Day 36 The Order of the Holy Cross
Couchsurfing host Thomas helped me finding accomodation in Beyenburg. He wanted to host me himself but had other obligations over the holiday. None the less he managed to come and see me for a coffee in the monastery Klosterkirche Sankt Maria Magdalena. I was staying there for the night thanks to him and Brother Dirk.
Churches have always had a profound impact on me.
I get a lower level when I speak and a humble feeling usually comes over me. Maybe it’s because I am not in my comfort zone. There isn’t much on this earth that makes me uncertain but on a higher level I am not on my own turf…
That didn’t however make me feel the least bit unsure of Brother Dirk’s warm welcome. Unfortunately he was busy working and I was very tired so we didn’t get to talk as much as I would have wanted to.
The stay at the monastery hidden amongst the hills in the Wuppertal area will not easily be forgotten. Thank you Thomas and Brother Dirk!