Twelve days to go
Right now it´s kind of slow and hectic at the same time. The waiting is so boring and at times it feels like I can´t
get started soon enough. But there are still things to be managed and work to be done so I manage to fill the hours anyway. It´s just that I´ve got like an itch if you know what I mean.
The most stressing thing now is the silence, the silence from possible partners, the silence from the FundRzr campaign, just silence… I had hoped to raise a bit more than I´ve done. Hopefully people’s generosity will increase throughout the walk.
Today we have a tremendous flow of information and I believe that this will be one of the great challenges with this manifestation, to be able to reach through the media noise. This is where you guys can contribute the most. The more you like, share and spread the word, the more we will be able to reach out! Keep up the good work!