Day 92 The Vatican

Reaching Rome was a gigantic milestone. The eternal city is nothing but marvelous and walking into the Vatican was a very important moment for me, for my Sisters and Brothers in the Miltary and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem and of course all of you who have supported this manifestation for peace!

It’s hard to give justice to all the different feelings that came over me. I did a lot of thinking and contemplation while resting in Rome.

There are lots

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of things to be concerned about all around the world. Nuclear bomb tests in North Korea, the general economics crisis, the fact that 32% of the French population consider to sympathize with extreme right wing Le Pen, the strengthening of the Russian Armed Forces, the war in Syria, the estimation that 1/3 of the global GNP is money from criminal activities… one can wonder if the list is ever ending.

But all is not just black and frightening!

All throughout North Europe I have showed that there are so many fantastic people. People like you and me. People who, while taking a calculated risk, invite strangers to their home, offer a bed and a nice meal and more often than not also want to get stories from outside their own life in their little village or town. Of course they have stories to share as well and I firmly believe that these meetings will have a part in the enormous process we all have to take responsibilty for, making a better world!

My gratitude to all of you who’s supporting this manifestation is hard to describe in just a couple of words. Somehow I seem to get the encouragment I need, just when I’m having a rough time in the cold, the snow or mud or whatever is challenging me. You help in keeping me going. Even though I’m walking alone, I really never do!

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