Day 22 Couchsurfing Ahausen

I had just a short walk left until reaching Ahausen when a car stopped and I heard the driver shout: -Jörgen?

It was Bertie, my Couchsurfing host, who were on his way home from work. He offered me a ride and I gladly accepted.

In the evening me and Bertie had a long conversation about all different kinds of subjects. Of course we talked about my journey but one important subject that has come up more and more often is why people are Couchsurfing hosts and what kind of thought lies behind the decision to be a host. Those thoughts and answers also apply directly to the issue xenophobia. Most hosts give the answer that they are interested in getting input and learn from people that come from elsewhere. They say that they want to think in a greater perspective and by doing that they will get a better understanding about other people, other cultures. Most of them also like to travel a lot, but some can’t do that for different reasons so they believe that by being a Couchsurfing host they invite the world to their home instead. I think that is a heart warming conclusion, made by people who really have made up their mind about how they want to live in this world. Strangers are just friends they haven’t yet learned to know. Some might want

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to argue the point that all people are not nice people and that is all true, but the Couchsurfing hosts have made up their minds – the benefit is greater than the risk!

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