
For several days now, me and Rebecca have been working more or less nonstop. It´s loads of work to be done. Making this website is quite an undertaking. Searching for pictures, writing it´s content, editing… The list goes on. And then we have the work with finding sponsors. Getting the funds together is also a handfull and then some. But, we´re not complaining! It´s very fun and we are learning something new, not every day, but every hour. Now, with the website almost done, we are going to work a lot with getting the communication right, both with the blog, videoblog and facebook AND getting the word out via newspapers, radio, television and internet. It feels a bit like we hit the floor running so now we really need to keep up.

One thought on “Preparations”

  1. Johnny says:

    Looks good! Keep up the good work.

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